
Monday, October 7, 2019


I woke up grumpy and breathing fire. I'm having trouble being comfortable or sleeping. Our toilet is leaking and I'm having trouble getting a plumber to call me back. I started the day by yelling at my husband and then felt guilty and regretted it.

I have a strong dislike of small talk. Especially with someone I don't want to talk to. Some coworkers have the most boring stupid stories and I don't want to sit through listening to it but social norms dictate that I must. I also strongly dislike that it comes under the premise of "how was your weekend" and when I don't want to talk about mine I just say "great thanks" but when I don't elaborate they start talking about their own. Or I feel forced to take the spotlight off me by asking "how was yours" and then I'm suffering through a horrible 5 minute story about their weekend trip to whatever corn maze or birthday party. Or some other horrible activity. I don't care. I'm not interested. Leave me along with your horrible boringness. Being cranky is part of it, being grumpy from lack of sleep is also part of it, hormones probably, but I've always found some people's chit chat uninteresting if I don't know/like/care about them. I know it makes me sound like a witch, and I probably am to some degree. This is something I have very little tolerance for and I'm actively working on it... through gritted teeth. Today doesn't feel like the day to start up with me.

In other news, there's some work stuff going on and I'm feeling fomo. The supervisor and my coworker have kids who are the same age so they spend a lot of off time together. It's like Rachel from FRIENDS and the smoking thing - if you don't smoke you're not in on the good conversations. The other team members aren't the type to feel like they want in on the know - they're happy to be brought in on the loop when something is relevant to them, and if it doesn't get to that point they don't care. I care. I like knowing things that are relevant to my department. I get that it's complicated with not liking chit chat. But in general I like being included and involved but I don't want to feel like I'm constantly pushing my way in to the inner circle. It's a position you're either invited into or not, you can't force your way in. The more you try to force your way in the more you get pushed out.

I've vented most of the steam and now I'm just tired and sad. Nostalgic about the end of one stage coming near; anxious about the next stage; excited to start a new chapter.


  1. Glad you dumped your cranky here. Safe place. Also not sleeping makes feeling cranky normal. Unfortunately, if you aren't part of the chitchat on weekends/life outside the office you will be left out of the ongoing office gossip. This is part of tribal inheritance from cave days I suspect. Doesn't make it fun. Does make figuring your boundaries & timing really important. At least with baby time off you will get a clearer slate. Some people can get away with asking explicitly for a one minute summary ('I am in a crunch can you tell me real fast' approach).
    Hope you get better rest in next few days; it really helps moods and makes labor/delivery/recovery easier if mom is not wiped out going in.
    Best wishes! rose

  2. Perfectly normal to be grumpy in the last weeks of pregnancy. It's a rough time. The newborn stage is so much more fun. The experience can vary a lot, of course, and plenty of exhaustion is generally involved, but your body is your own again and even if the quantity goes down for a while, the quality of sleep feels better. Plus you have a treasure beyond reckoning -- even if that treasure tries to drive you nuts sometimes. All that is to say, don't feel like things will necessarily get harder soon. Just try to take it as it comes and don't feel bad for feeling what you feel in a given moment. So excited for you!

  3. So normal for the hormones to be raging now. We are totally opposite. I am so interested in everyone. Well as long as they are a decent person. I find the wide range of interests and personalities and upbringing and values and insecurities and desires so fascinating and usually quite heart warming. It makes me feel connected to everyone and invested in them. Also keeps me out of my own head which is generally a good thing. Wishing you luck on this next journey!

  4. just saw this from NYTimes: had to share with you. Cheers!!!! More from rose

  5. I'm not a big fan of small talk either, prefering deeper and more meaningful conversations but those are rare. Sometimes when my colleagues are talking about something I've no interest in I find my mind drifting and I end up daydreaming about something else.



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