Back today for more bloodwork and ultrasound. They found a few 8s and 6s on the left; a few on the right too small to count. They're a lot more conservative with the meds in this clinic, even knowing that I was on bc pills which are known to suppress the ovaries.
Speaking of bc pills, I've had adventures with my blood pressure. I've been monitoring it for a few weeks now, ever since the headaches started. It was slightly high but nothing crazy, like 130s over 80s. I know that bc can cause elevated blood pressure in some people who are sensitive to estrogen. I had that a few years back. But over the weekend, my pressure spiked to 150s over 100s. Then it just stayed there. It also came with a headache which really concerned me. I spent Sunday in bed, trying not to aggravate it lest it become a full-blown migraine. I took tylenol at some point which made it bearable. All day I kept taking my bp and even after lying down for a while it was still high. I have an appointment with my PCP to follow up about blood pressure but I wasn't sure I should wait that long. Eventually it freaked me out enough to go to urgent care.
The first reading they got was 175/92. If I wasn't already at urgent care that would have set me in a panic. They retook it again a few min later and it was back to the 150s I'd been getting all day. I'm not in denial but I think the first cuff they used was for kids. In any case, the doctor there wasn't as concerned about my 150s but he took blood and urine to make sure kidneys aren't malfunctioning. He said that if it spikes to 180s or above to go to the emergency room, not even urgent care because they wouldn't be able to deal with that.
This morning I called my PCP and asked for a sooner appointment even though I know my doc is away on vacation. I didn't want to leave this untreated, especially because of the headaches but also because it's freaking me out. When I came in the doc there also wasn't alarmed at the 150s but looking back at my history and seeing the repeated elevated levels, he recommended starting medication to help lower it. He said to keep my appointment with my own doctor for next week but in the meantime he gave me a prescription that needs to be taken every 12 hours. Hooray, another pill.
I was very resistant to going on bp meds as a preventive measure. It felt like a personal goal to try to control it with diet and exercise. But at this point my ego is shoved aside as panic mode sets in and I'm freaked out enough that I'll take whatever medicine they tell me to get things back in order. I don't want to fear the veins in my head are going to pop, or that every twinge out of place is an impending heart attack. I have enough stress with the cycle that I don't need those fears lurking behind high bp. All that aside, I need to make sure this is under control before even considering a transfer.
I confirmed with my RE that there's no adverse reaction to adding bp medicine to the mix. And I confirmed with the PCP office that whatever medication he gives me is safe for pregnancy so that I don't have to deal with switching it and finding a new dose once we're ready for a transfer.
Other than a blip over the weekend I've been doing well on my diet. I don't know if that's a contributing factor to the elevated bp, but even now 48 hours later I doubt that food is still in my system yet my bp was still high. I'm down 12 lbs from the start of the summer. I cut out most sugar/flour at the suggestion of the specialist to try to get insulin under their preferred numbers; and now I've cut out most salt and sodium as well. My daily food consists of a lot of colors and while it's not fabulous, I'm not hungry and I'm not bored.
I'm concerned about retesting my glucose and insulin in the fall and being told that everything I did wasn't enough and that I'll have to add metformin to the mix. I will if I have to, but I was really hoping I wouldn't have to. Another ego thing, plus I hate taking all this medication.
At monitoring this morning there were a lot of couples. I don't remember seeing so many at the last clinic. I'm still working on a post comparing the two. Every time I list the crap the old clinic did I get angry and put the list away for another time. I don't actively trash-talk them but if someone asks about my experience, like on the fb support group, I'll share my thoughts in private.