
Friday, March 29, 2019

Relationships are complicated

  • I follow a few food bloggers on Instagram. Last year one unexpectedly lost her 2 month old baby. It was devastating to the entire community and all her tens of thousands of followers. She's been storying for a while but I had only started following her weeks before the tragedy. Since then I've started following a few others and just this past week tragedy struck one of the other bloggers. A young mom of 5 suddenly lost her husband. He was only 40. I don't pretend to understand their pain; I can't imagine what they're going through. But I feel so sad for them. I feel some pain on their behalf. I feel their suffering and I'm so sorry for what they're going through.
  • I was supposed to have lunch today with someone but they had to cancel because of a last minute work meeting. I'm disappointed. I guess I was looking forward to it more than I realized.
  • I found out that two work friends are going out to dinner next Fri night on a double date. Fomo? Perhaps a bit. I assume they wouldn't have talked about it in front of me if I wasn't supposed to know. We weren't invited is because it's on Fri night. Technically they can do another evening but with work schedules and childcare Fri nights seem to be a popular time to go out. When I made noise one of them mentioned, well if you hosted us for Shabbat dinner then we could be all together! While that's true, it's not the same. My house is not a restaurant and I'm not a short order cook. Going out and spending time with friends is a lot less stressful than creating a menu, shopping, cleaning, and cooking to host. Even if I do go through all that effort, there's a chance the four of them may go out for drinks after and they'll still have fun without us. I don't blame my religious preferences regarding Shabbat or keeping kosher. I think what stings is that they have more in common with each other and I'm naturally phased out.
  • My neighbor's birthday was this week. She's much younger than me and has three kids. Literally the only thing we have in common is that we live near each other, but she's a nice person and I try to make an effort. I was at the store and picked up cookies, flowers, and a card and dropped them off. Her reaction was so sweet. She said it made her day. It made me happy that I was able to bring someone else joy. It wasn't even $10 spent and I didn't go out of my way - I was at the store anyway. Yet I can't even begin to count how many times I went back and forth in my mind about whether or not this was weird and should I just post a message on her fb wall instead. It was giving me anxiety to reach out with a kind gesture, as though I was breaking some cultural rule of being uncool. I don't know. I hope that the more often I step out of my comfort zone the less awkward it will feel with time.
My natural inclination is to believe that people want to be left alone, have enough friends, and aren't interested in connecting. I shy away even at the slightest hint of disinterest. I never want to feel like I'm forcing someone to be my friend. Over the years I've found myself on one-sided relationships where I would reach out and not hear back. Years ago I decided I don't enjoy one-sided relationships like that and they aren't worth my time or energy. These days if I don't hear back I just let it fizzle. If they want to reach me they know how. Relationships are complicated. It takes work and interest from both parties.

At the end of the day everyone wants to feel connected. Everyone wants to be wanted and loved. People need people. In times of happiness, in times of sadness, and everything in between. Some of us need more "by myself time" than others but for the most part we need each other. The most I can do is take steps outside my comfort zone, be open to new relationships, and see where that takes me.

Friday, March 22, 2019

News and Purim

I was unable to resist the college admissions scandal in the latest news cycle. For starters, it's refreshing to see a story that doesn't include that guy in the White House. It's also something that doesn't include murder or #metoo or kidnapping. It was just a juicy gossip story with new layers uncovered every day.

The thought exercises it lends to are also fascinating: the merit kids who didn't get in because someone else bough their seat - where are they now? Should the kids of the celebrities get punished for their parents' crimes? How was it allowed to go on in these prestigious universities? How can they prevent it from happening again?

The news cycle has moved on from details of the specific celebrity stories to general snowplow parenting. Kids can't become functioning adults if they never have a chance to develop their problem solving skills.

In other news, Purim yesterday was really nice. We opted to do the seuda with a large shul which meant not only significantly less work on my part but a really fun, festive way to celebrate. My RE gets back from maternity leave next Monday which seems to have flown by and taken forever at the same time. Pesach preps are well under way, and by that I mean I've started thinking about it and nothing else.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

This is 35

Happiness takes work but it is a choice. During the Jewish month of Adar we increase our joy. It's not just automatic, but it's more easily accessible. One example I was taught was that it's as though He has opened up the happiness tap and all we have to do is reach out catch it raining down on us. It's available and there, but we do our part to gather it. So I've been working on happiness, positivity, being present.

At this point in my life, solid mid-30s, I don't have patience to do things I don't want to. I don't feel like I owe anyone an explanation for anything I choose. I appreciate genuine honest interactions more. I don't want to feel like I'm wishing my time away until xyz happens. For better or worse, this is my journey and it's up to me to make an effort to enjoy every day.

Over the weekend we celebrated my birthday. Friday was the actual day but I went to work and it was just us for dinner. Saturday night we went out with friends but I didn't keep my phone out so there isn't even a single picture - so did it really happen? On Sunday my family hosted a nice party. I took Monday off just to chill. I ended up spending some of the day getting the bathroom ready for the updating, but that's a different kind of joy since I'm so excited for this reno.

Tomorrow is a heavy date that's been weighing on me. While I've been trying not to let past baggage weigh me down I can't deny that it's on my mind. Working on trying to be positive about what's ahead.


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